Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Jesus once said, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but every word that comes from the mouth of God." (Matt 4:4). Pause and think about that for a second. You can't just live on a steady diet of what the world provides (TV, Music, Video Games, Social Media). In order for all of us to grow we have to feast on the Word of God. Is the Word part of your daily routine?

"Food" is the 3rd "F" word in our Under Construction series. We camped out in 1 Peter 2:2 and talked about cultivating a loving desire for pure spiritual milk. Milk is good for awhile. It gets us going. We learn the basics of the faith, who Jesus is and what He accomplished for us.

But most of us have been in church for a long time. We need to move past milk into some meat. We can't be stuck in baby mode until adulthood. It is just weird to see grownups drinking from a bottle and wearing diapers. We challenged the students to start a Bible diet plan. Less than 5% of Christians say they read the Bible daily.

It isn't always easy to start something new but here are 3 keys ways to get you going: 1) Make reading the Bible a priority 2) Decide a time of day and a place to read it. 3) Get a game plan.

There are tons of resources for reading plans. From youversion on your phone to Biblegateway on your computer, there are hundreds of easily accessible ways to read the Bible. I have extra reading plans that I passed out during our time together. Come and ask. I'd love to get you started. It would be awesome to see you putting Jesus' words into practice feasting on "every word that has come forth from the mouth of God."

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